piątek, 8 czerwca 2012


Jestem na Was zła, bo nikt ani jednego komentarza nie dodał :c A ja nadal potrzebuje wiedzieć czy ktoś to wgl oglada i czy jest sens :(

3 komentarze:

Anonimowy pisze...


don't be sad, i am sure it is not abput you and your person.

I am your newest reader because I like it very much what i see at your blog. I read your blog about one week or so... So sorry this is such a short time and I also have an blog, hadn't got the time at the moment to write a lot.

I also would be very happy if you have visited my blog one time and leave a comment or so... :-)

I am also a very new blogger and i have a lots of comments (I think that it is a lot for my short bloggertime)


I don't know, perhaps because I also leave comments at other blogs, especially on the blogs of my readers but also on extern blogs.

I hope I could give you an little advice :-)

i would be very happy to read more from you ♥

Lots of greetings, Tanja ♥

AsziWanuhi pisze...

Pisałam maila aby potwierdzić Twój adres w ramach wysyłki podaj dalej.

Nie smuć się jeśli robisz to co kochasz to większa grupa ludzi prędzej czy później to zauważy.

Alin pisze...

Znalazłam dzisiaj twojego bloga i chętnie go czytam!
Zapraszam również do mnie ;d